“These are from a new series I am doing - I am super into the idea of memory as a mode of time travel & multidimensions & time loops & other mind-warping continuum madness.”



You can taste a selfie without liking it, eat that deep red lipstick.

I stain your hands a different shade of white, I am stunned

a deer in your eye-light. What’s the damage. A bad ride, a crash, swift

body lash. You swipe your teeth along the broken windshield, lone

hungry wolf gnashing at some invisible portrait. What you don’t see

my knuckled corpse floating inward, indelicately. A crying out for mercy

please save me from eating myself. I am full & fat & coping miserably.

I swallow the truth like a tincture of some bitter herb—the Angelica

stings my goat throat, I am throwing up a Valerian high like an old sock.

& how do you like the smell of my vomit, all insides of me. How do you

like that deep red gluttony. In you like a backyard barbequed hotdog,

all death & regurgatory. Let me pull back the flesh tape & bull pack

your heart the long way, lick face indefinitely.



What is your effigy of clock space—do you

stay motionless or make pivots with winged feet?

I, the face & wandering needle, am drunk on timelines.

I’m stumbling on all this talk of journeying;

constantly looking for that all-encompassing preposition

if I’m stuck under the radioactive cauldron

or pulled through its nexus, bathing in its putrid glow

am I the ghost of wet birth. Everything a cycle

living is a death & dying is living for death, & so

my head hurts of tumors, small factions of policing beetles

re-continuum as I disrupt the when.


There’s a strand of hair bleeding sap through my teeth

where did it come from, how did it get stuck between my teeth

I’m a goddamned tree, the conjoined bloom at waist

hungry animal biting at the ankles. I am the earth as I bleed

beneath layers of my skin, the air as I breathe in

doldrums. I am the water that floats me accused

the flame that rises from my bound feet guilty,

the spirit entangled in tropes. I am the blood.

I live for tonguing the dead. I keep on keeping on

YOLO timeline, one-of-a-kind life & this death unlike

any others bring me back to an effigy of carcass

as a baby covered in the same afterbirth.



The ring of Hell arouses me

time cannibalizes itself & I am hungry

again, I eat the feat of multidimensional

lines lost in my DNA.

I hang here at the center, sprawled out

like a sunflower igniting with red.

I am of one body of multiplying petals

each appendage unaware of its existence

in others, even as they brush the cheeks

of their unsuspecting neighbors.

I am living unsatisfyingly.

I meet the Devil again in a dream

another histoire d’amour

in twilight film noir. I find me

in the mirror. I pick at my face

each blemish exploding into new scars.

The Devil eats the dead skin

salty tongue lashing at me to stay.

I am everywhere else, but here.

I am fabric entwined in the dress

of this time & the next.



Courtney Leigh Jameson

is the author of "the unrequited <3<3 of red riding hood & her lycan lover (Dancing Girl Press, 2016)." She is The Bowhunter of White Stag Publishing & Kitchen Witch at Crimson Sage Apothecary.