Lee Nash


In case you’re an editor obsessed with departure

like others I could mention who are very much alive

I’ll work demise in here as best I can – yesterday

feeling like death post-’flu I was cleaning windows

when a car drew up outside someone got out holding a rifle

started shooting into the trees I thought he’d see me

peering through the crack pick me off on the first floor

but he carried on killing pigeons adjusting his shades

and his peak cap – my friend and I went for a walk in town

saw a restaurant sign on fire the people dining inside oblivious

he caught the owner’s attention the guy cut the current

so we didn’t return to find the diners cremated –

later the commuter next to me on the train dropped off

spent from his day’s graft his head sank in my shoulder

a deadweight so incongruous and delicious his breath

smelling of beer I let him stay expired when he woke

he said it was nice sleeping with you then stumbled out

the wrong door spread-eagled the line of the oncoming express –

I croaked it out to my parrot she perched on my scalp

we pottered from room to room till absent-mindedly

still shaken and upset about the flattened man

I walked out onto the terrace she flew away of course

the next-door neighbor’s cat was watching taking in

the scene the way cats do and the bird won’t see tomorrow –

depressed I turned to the internet read that a teenager was killed

by a metal butterfly that detached from a fairground ride –

perhaps you’ll publish this on misery merit despite the lack of sex

or profanities or pandemic – btw the last male northern white rhino

died in 2018 two females remain kept under 24-hour armed guard

their names are Fatu and Najin her father’s semen appears to be

the only hope though his sperm count wasn’t high

so I made a good stab at fatality by the way

if I get any more rejections I think I may just top myself.


sex with a superorganism

is not a simple matter –

it all depends on the matter –


distributed intelligence

(intelligence for all) – to wit,

you won’t know what he’s all thinking


in that techno-macho global brain

or if your grasp of gestalt

is as tight as his gray-limbed grip...


has individuality, in bed,

become a tad confusing

for horny termites and ants


or coral colonies for that matter?

back to the matter in hand,

the alien in my arms


the one with no sexual organs

who still wants to get it on,

along with his ten million friends...


if i’m the one getting excited

perhaps that’s turning them on –

i hope they’ve found new ways to come



Happy Valentine’s Day, Father.

How painful was it

to wish your ardent parishioners a wonderful feast?

You held your head in your hands

as you slumped into the presider’s chair.

Would it be easier to physically,

not simply emotionally, castrate the clergy?

Would an orchidectomy lift the dis-ease

of giving the sacrament of marriage all summer long?

But God, the Creator of animal instincts,

requires (it is written) your natural urges

as a mandatory, perpetual sacrifice.

Notwithstanding my case of limerence,

do you wink emojis at other women?

Have I misread your oeillades?

Did they slip you chasteberry in the seminary?

Ligustrum and skullcap to dull the morning wood?

There are men that wear their celibacy well,

whose prostates are not compromised,

but with that sensual orifice and throaty timbre,

you’re pure hetero cis male.

A charmer of the Jesuit order,

swishing a cassock among the pews of contraband

must be a thrill of sorts,

but ambition doesn’t warm the bed.

I defer to such a powerful Institution.

And yet, as Issa would say,

look at any of my cells

(Hooke named them after those of a monastery):

a city, vast as Nineveh. You couldn’t cross it in three days.

You couldn’t breach its walls.

I am billions of years of Intelligent Design

and even Darwin could not explain my eyes.

They are Chartreuse, distilled by Carthusian monks,

high in the mountain of my face.

I am living flesh, not dead dogma.

I am bone and blood, not rite and ritual.

My body is hormonal medicine.

My feminine energy the antidote for loneliness.

However, I come only on prescription,

one the Doctors of the Church will not sign.

Here, in honor of the martyrs,

are my parchment heart, my pheromones, and my light.

LEE NASH (she/her) writes poetry and short fiction. Her work has appeared in diverse journals and anthologies, including Acorn, Ambit, Angle, Magma, Mezzo Cammin, Slice, Southword, and “The Best Small Fictions 2019.” Her first poetry chapbook, “Ash Keys,” was published by Flutter Press in 2017. She was a 2018 Bath Flash Fiction Award prizewinner and a joint winner of the 2019 Princemere Poetry Prize; in 2020 she won Fish Publishing’s The Lockdown Prize (haiku and senryu category), the Donn Goodwin Poetry Prize, the TU Dublin Short Story Competition, third prize in the Spirit First Poetry Contest, and was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize (flash fiction).